Welcome To ITI Mahendergarh

The Craftsmen Training Scheme was introduced by the Government of India in 1950
to ensure a steady flow of skilled workers in different trades for the domestic
Industry, to raise quantitatively and qualitatively the industrial production
by systematic training, to reduce unemployment among the educated youth by
providing them employable skilled training, to cultivate and nurture technical
and industrial attitude in the minds of the younger generation. The scheme, the
most important in the field of Vocational Training has been shaping craftsman to
meet the existing as well as future manpower need, through the vast network of
ITI in the various state/ Union territories in the country.
The Industrial Training Institute, Mahender Garh was established
in 1962 in a rental building. But in 1963 was shifted in its own building of
approximate 17 acre area with a well equipped workshop, administrative block and
academic block with all training facilities. In march 2008 the IMC Society was
constituted under the chairmanship of GRP Industries, Dubai for their
improvement & better performance in training and placement. Now the Institute
provides training in 22 trades and 44 Units approximate 4200 students. Semester
system is introduced in August 2013 in all trades of institute.